Well done to our First Aiders!
We’d like to say a huge well done to our newly qualified First Aiders, Jackie and Pat, who successfully passed their Emergency First Aid at Work. Lee, their trainer, delivers exceptional First Aid Courses and perfectly pitches the content for an RDA group. It is so important to have First Aid skills and gain confidence in the administration of First Aid if it is your first course, or brush up on existing skills if you are doing a refresher. Although there is a serious side to the subject, Lee adds humour and creates a professional, whilst relaxed, learning environment with a good balance of practical and theory work. As always, Health & Safety is our number one priority, First Aiders are essential as we cannot run our weekly sessions without them on hand. Jackie and Pat, congratulations on your well deserved pass. We thank you for stepping up to do the training and thank you for your dedication to the wellbeing of others not only in LFRDA but also in the wider community. Well done both, good to know we’re in safe hands ❤️🩹